2018 Overview
Keep Hutto Beautiful (KHB) is dedicated to the beautification and sustainability of the Hutto Community. This is proven through a commitment to programs such as the Great Hutto Cleanup, Peterson Community Garden, America Recycles Day, Hutto Adopt-A-Spot, and Fall Garden Fest.
As one of Texas’s fastest growing communities, Hutto must remain mindful of the environmental impact that comes with growth. Attention to litter prevention, illegal dumping, beautification, and green initiatives are key.
Keep Hutto Beautiful is navigating through the changes that come with a developing community by putting a stronger emphasis on community outreach, recycling education, and litter prevention programming.
Board of Directors
The all-volunteer board of directors is responsible for providing oversight and strategic direction for Keep Hutto Beautiful and its programs. Board members serve staggered three-year terms and serve as advocates for Keep Hutto Beautiful in the community. They assist with growing the organization’s resources through fundraising, relationship building, and acknowledgement of supporters and volunteers. In 2018 there was an 8-person Board of Directors, plus an additional 19 individuals serving on board committees.
In 2018, 600 volunteers worked 3,132.25 hours to support the KHB mission, a 76.53% increase from 2017 and a value of $77,335.25 according to the national volunteer value. An additional 1,700 volunteer hours ($41,973 value) of director and administrative duties for the organization was performed by the Board of Directors Chair.
Community Outreach
Keep Hutto Beautiful focused on Community Outreach in 2018. The organization had booths at Spring-A-Palooza, Vida Fest, Selfless Saturday, EWCHEC Orientation, Hutto ISD Teacher In-Services, Hutto Farmers Market, and the Chamber Luncheon Earth Day Celebration. We were also the Guest Speaker at the January Hutto Has Heart Quarterly Meeting, as well as multiple Rotary Club Meetings, Chamber Luncheons, and Quarterly HOA Meetings. Keep Hutto Beautiful was also an integral part of the City of Hutto’s Texas Arbor Day Event, being interviewed for their video coverage of the state holiday.
KHB sent out 9 press releases in 2018 highlighting programs, grant awards, and accolades of KHB. Media outlets including Austin American-Statesman, Community Impact, and Taylor Press ran stories based on these releases.
KHB received Mayoral Proclamations for the Hutto Adopt-A-Spot and Great Hutto Cleanup programs. The Hutto Area Chamber of Commerce did a Ribbon Cutting in November at the Peterson Community Garden recognizing the accomplishments thus far at the garden.
In December 2018, Keep Hutto Beautiful presented Veterans Hill Elementary School with a Certificate of Appreciation for their dedication to recycling during an all-school assembly. The school participated in Recycle-Bowl and recycled 20,739.06 pounds in one month.
2018 Online Presence:
• Facebook page went from 420 to 658 followers, a 56.67% increase.
• Twitter followers went from 75 to 122, a 62.67% increase.
• Instagram followers went from 184 to 292, a 58.7% increase.
• KHB monthly newsletter went from 192 to 400 subscribers in 2018 (a 108% increase). The open rate average is 24.2 %, while the industry average is a 19.4% open rate.
2018 Donors ($500 and over)
Platinum ($10,000 - $14,999.99)
Silver ($2,500 - $4,999.99)
Bronze ($1,000 - $2,499.99)
Green ($500 - $999.99)
Fingerprint Ideas
Hutto Feed & Landscaping
Hutto Rotary Club
La Copa Landscaping
SaberWing Imaging
Tex-Mix Concrete
Texas State Technical College
Jessica Romigh, Chair
Karin Stern, Secretary
Karen Daly, Treasurer
Bob Clark
Debbie Holland
Brian McGovern
Susan Misiti
Karen Perez
Lance Romigh
Keep Texas Beautiful
- Silver Star Affiliate
Hutto Chamber Member
Take Care of Texas Proud Partner
Nature Rocks Austin Partner
2018 KTB Affiliate of the Month in October
2018 Winner of the Garden-Ville Materials Grant from KTB and Garden-Ville
2nd Place Governors Community Achievement Awards
KTB Award of Excellence